How do I book an appointment?
The best way is to click on the book now button in the banner above to check out my diary. Select a suitable time and get booked in. It's really helpful if you add a little note to explain what it is you are coming for.
If you would prefer to chat you can give me a call on 07399532664. If I am in clinic I may not be able to answer but I will get back to you asap.
Alternatively text or email me with your number requesting a call back.
What is your new patient procedure?
As a new patient you will be sent a confirmation booking email containing all the info you need to attend the appointment. There is also a link to complete a registration form online. The form is secure and asks personal details including questions relating to GDPR, consent and if relevant, insurance provider information. Should you have any questions regarding what information is requested or how your information is handled please don't hesitate to contact me.
Will you provide treatment on my first visit?
I do need to get to the bottom of the problem to ensure any treatment provided is effective, this involves listening to what you tell me about the problem and examining you clinically. The aim is to complete this in a thorough but timely way and provide well targeted treatment within the initial session.
Will I need a scan?
If clinical examination suggests it would be beneficial to investigate your problem further with imaging this can be accessed easily through one of my network of private providers or alternatively I can write to your GP with the recommendation.
Can I see you for more than one problem?
Your appointment is your time to use how you want. It is good to gain an overview of all problems from the outset as some may be more linked than you realise. This way we can agree on what is to be tackled first and have consideration when planning treatment. Typically I will assess and treat one problem (which may involve multiple body parts) in a session. Assessing unrelated problems will impact on the time available within a session to provide treatment aswell
How long does an appointment last?
A typical appointment lasts 45 minutes although patients can be seen for longer on request to incorporate longer time for 1-1 exercise supervision or to manage multiple problems.
Do I need a doctor’s referral?
In short the answer is NO...
However, you may wish to check with your insurer if you are planning to claim for the cost of your treatment as some policies require it.
What do I need to wear?
To fully explore your problem I will want to see the problem area moving in relation to the joints both above and below. This means for most lower limb problems a pair of shorts is helpful and for upper limb problems a top with thin straps. It's not a fashion show so don't worry if the only shorts you have are the ones you wear for bed!
What types of health insurance do you accept?
As a fully registered member of the HCPC (PH64757) I am recognised by most insurers under my professional name Joanne Greenhalgh at InTouch Physiotherapy Services Ltd. The clinic is set up with some for direct pay but receipts can be provided for anybody needing them to claim back treatment costs at any time.
How do I use my Health Insurance
The procedure can vary from policy to policy even with the same insurer so my advice would be to contact your insurer for the relevant information and to register your claim. Check the details of any policy excess (this will usually be payable direct to the clinic). You will need your policy number and claim reference for the cost of your treatment to be claimed directly from the insurer. In the event a claim is outstanding with the insurer you will be responsible for settling the account.